Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Massage Therapy in Greenville, South Carolina Using Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy

Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy is an ancient massage modality utilizing the massage therapist's hands and feet. The feet are used for a tireless deep tissue massage and the hands are used to apply lighter strokes on more sensative areas like the face and neck.

One of the wonderous qualities of this massage is that even a small petite female can give a person a deep massage without tiring, so feel free to ask the therapist for what you want for they can perform all day long without slowing down.

In order for the massage therapist to have balance and grace, special bars are permanently mounted from the ceiling above the massage table to stabilize the movements. The masseuse holds on to the bars while using their feet for a deep relaxation massage.

In Greenville, SC, Anna Bowen, licensed massage therapist for 11 years practices this rare technique at her massage studio located across from the Bi-Lo Center in downtown Greenville:

Greenville Massage http://www.greenville-massage.com/

600 E North Street, Suite 205

Greenville, SC 29601

Anna Bowen, LMT (864) 449-6252

Anna is my favorite masseusse in the Upstate of South Carolina.

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