Monday, August 8, 2011

Lucky Dog - I Miss My Dog

A Memorial Poem for Lucky
1996 - 2011

I lost a treasured friend today
The golden dog who used to lay
His gentle head upon my knee
And share his silent thoughts with me.
He'll come no longer to my call,
Retrieve no more his favorite ball
A voice far greater than my own
Has called him to His golden throne.
And though my eyes are filled with tears,
I thank Him for the happy years
He let him spend down here with me,
And for his love and loyalty.

I lost my pet today and a supportive friend wrote this poem to honor the life of this wonderful companion of 16 years, Lucky.

Thank You Ayshe Kadir, My Dear Friend of Invest in the States.


Tracey Schuelke said...

Beautiful Tribute! So sorry for your loss Glen.

Tracey Schuelke said...

That is a beautiful tribute. So very sorry for your loss Glen.

val said...

Beautifully put. I too lost a pet a short time ago. Not a dog, or a cat, but a little parakeet.We had him about ten years. My Mom and I got him for my Dad.Now we lost Penny too. Blessings Glenn,, Val'erie

Unknown said...

Thank you Val, you are so kind for sharing about your parakeet. I had a sky blue one when I was in college. His name was Buddy bird. Loved that bird! He was so affectionate.

beatthebitch said...

Thank you Tracey. You are very kind-hearted.