Thursday, December 20, 2007 - My Story

I had a frustrating experience with, but since they worked with me to resolve my issues, I felt comfortable removing the 2000 word posting.

Instead, I'll leave you with a few juicy bits below about how Google is chomping at the bit to destoy paid blog advertisers and the like. To read about it, check out the Matt Cutts blog, he has the inside scoop:

The big question is will Google try to destoy competitors through unfair business practices? There is a lot of evidence that they will. is a competitor of Google. There is evidence that Google is going to hurt a lot of people so they can keep their financial gravy train as if they didn't already have enough. My prediction is that Google will be hit with the same struggles that Microsoft has gone through when it comes to unfair business practices. Google will deserve everything the public and the regulators throw at them. Funny thing is, they won't change, it's inevitable as they appear to be drunk with there success and are getting wreckless.

It's like in the AdSense ads, Google was the only one that unfairly advertised their Google Checkout cart with colorful icons, everyone else had to stay with one color. When I saw that, I saw color all right....RED!

They have also started putting their Google Local before everyone else's natural listings. They are even paying people $10 per business entry to get every business in America listed. When they do, you can be sure they'll use it to control everyone to march like lemmings in lockstep.

I'll be writing a blog entry soon on exactly how Google is going to go after their competition and how & why it's going to backfire on them.

Subscribe to this blog because I'm going to be releasing a plan to fight back.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Apple Releases New Safari 3 Browser for Microsoft Windows

Browser Speed Comparisons - Apple's Safari 3 Leaves the Others in the Dust
Safari 3 browser now works with Microsoft Windows PCs! Not only does it work, but browsing is twice as fast as Microsoft's IE 7 browser. I just downloaded it and it's amazing how much faster pages pop up when surfing. It takes about 3 minutes to download a free copy, so why not check it out. One can have several browsers on their PC at the same time with no confict.

Also, the highly regarded Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta is available now as well for Windows, Macs and Linux based systems. This browser gets more praise than does the IE 7 browser, though I must admit the IE 7 browser is much more stable than any of their previos releases. Why not try them all. At least use Safari 3 for faster browsing and IE 7 when you're doing your banking as some financial portals insist you use IE 7 to do your transactions.

A couple of years ago, I might have recommended Opera browsers, but since they're the slowest of the top browsers, I can't see any reason you'd want to use it. It is a very clean browser, but too slow.

Go ahead and try a new browser, they are all free downloads.

Download the Safari browser click here.

Update: I have been using 4 browsers:

1. Opera
2. IE 7
3. Firefox
4. Safari

Safari may be fast but it makes some pages look odd, so in spite of the fact I was enthusiatic about it working with Window, I still think it's going to take more time before it displays a page as consistently as IE 7.

Firefox is great, I use it when I want the best security. For general surfing, I still use the IE 7 browser. I wanted to get away from it because it's a Microsoft product and I don't trust Microsoft with security, but IE 7 is leaps ahead of IE 6. So, my hat is off to Microsoft to my surprise.

New Thoughts: I've now been using the Safari browser for a few months now after I had written the announcements above. I prefer both the IE7, IE8 Beta and the Firefox over the Safari. The reason is that the browser rearranges the elements on many webpages making things confusing. For example, photos will appear on top of written words, as where, the page displays properly on the other browsers.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Deep Web Links Directory of America- Submit Your Sites Today is human edited web links directory to create traffic and page rank for your website by providing quality backlinks to your homepage and 5 deep links. The directory features a bid for position auction and permanent links with social bookmarklets to boost your website's buzz.

read more digg story

Sunday, December 9, 2007

New Business Web Links Directory with 5 Deep Links and Social Bookmarking Feature

A friend of mine, Kurt Poser (shown here with his wife, Susan and son, Nick), and I launched a brand new human edited web links directory this week. The directory has many cutting edge features like a links bid auction for better visability, traffic and page rank. To create viral buzz for your site, we have included the major social bookmarkers right beside your anchored text link listing.

We have secured the domain names for every state & major city in the United States and every major country that trades with America. We will be bringing those directories on line in the near future as well. Those new directories will be announced on the blog.
Many will be reassured to know that we accept up to 5 deep links. A normal link would be and deep link would be

Come and put your site up on the Business Directory of America. We will be getting tons of backlinks creating high page rank and traffic to boost your website's visability, so add your website to the directory today.

One Man's Blog Stops NBC

One man's blog brought NBC to it's knees & had the top suits reduced to sucking their thumbs in the corner. What am I referring to? The Glen Woodfin Cafe called for a boycott of NBC in a blog entry on December 7th, 2007 after they refused to run a paid ad simply thanking our troops for their sacrifice during the holidays. They said it violated their policies. Yeah, I'll bet it did, yet they gave Al Gore over 30 hours of free broadcasting recently to promote his agenda (while Al Gore holds many investments that will explode with profits if he can get more of his legislation through). The NBC (Nitwits, Bozos & Clowns) had no problem clearing the way for Al Gore's stock portfolio (Big Al is a general partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, the Silicon Valley venture-capital firm which stands to make gigantic profits with alternative energy projects) to take a monster leap forward.

Obviously, I'm joking that my blog entry made any difference in their announcement today that they have reversed their decision to block the paid ads from running.

GE is the parent corporation that oversees NBC, but Jeffrey Immelt is showing his lack of leadership by allowing NBC to be such idiots. Doesn't he care that the NBC ratings are dropping like a rock. How investors long for the days of Jack Welsh. Why do CEOs like Immelt lack leadership?

I nabbed the egg on face photo from and the NBC logo from Google images. I used Xara Extreme to combine the graphics.

Thank you troops for risking your lives protect the NBC studio from themselves. Merry Christmas.

Lower Your Blood Pressure without Drugs for Free

There are many drug free ways to lower one's blood pressure, but one caught my eye while being advertised on TV. The electronic device called "Resperate" is supposed to lower your blood pressure naturally without drugs or side effects. I went to Internet immediately to investigate further.
After watching a short video on the reasons this little electronic device used for 15 minutes, several times a week, I began to understand why it lowers your blood pressure. Actually, the device doesn't lower your blood pressure, but changing your breathing habbits can. The video quoted some of the biggest names in medical journals that back up their claim. I believe that if you use this device faithfully, you will lower your blood pressure, but save your money because all the device does is helps you lower your breathing rate voluntarily.

Typically, an average person's breathing rate is around 15 or more breaths per minute, but studies show that with a slower breathing rate of under 10 per minute will actual help one lower their blood pressure. All the device does is calculate your current breathing rate and then matches it to different tones for inhaling and exhaling, then it gradually slows the frequency of the tones hoping you'll breathe along with the tones.

The device is fine, but my goodness gracious...the $300 price tag is enough to shoot your blood pressure through the roof. Hm, should I spend $300 on a tone generator with variable cadence or should I just take time out to relax and take deeper, slower breaths. For a little more than $300, you can buy the most advanced piece of consumer electronics to hit the planet, the iPhone. Just read what a iPhone can do at: You can change the world from a prison cell with an iPhone, literally. You could make millions of dollars without leaving your cell.

It reminds me of a great Bud Light beer commercial I saw years ago comparing one computer game that had the most cutting edge effects in world where one was tranfixed with the sites and sounds of battle where you actually beleived you were there, then they quieted the screen and said "...or, you can have Blip." The screen then showed a slow paced game like the original "Pong" where you move a small bar back and forth across the screen hoping that the ball would bounce off your paddle. A knob was all you controlled. Resperate is a "Blip" in my mind.

Top 20 ways to lower your blood pressure naturally:
1. eat more cold water deep ocean fish with omega 3
2. reduce your salt intake (salt attracts water- more water in your veins adds pressure)
3. increase the magnesium in your diet
4. increase the potassium in your diet (Can't reduce salt? Potassium can still lower pressure)
5. reduce alcohol consumption
6. eat more garlic
7. exercise
8. take Yoga classes
9. reduce the caffeine in your diet (coffee, tea and Coke)
10. replace the oils in you diet with flax seed oil and extra virgin olive oil (oils with Omega 3s)
11. reduce the saturated fats in your diet like red meat
12. drop margarine because they bubble hydrogen through it making it a fake saturated fat
13. some say more calcium in one's diet can lower your blood pressure as well
14. laughter
15. singing
16. have a forgiving heart, don't hold grudges
17. have faith
18. hugs
19. have a hobby
20. give affection to your pet often

Have you seen the commercials that have a baby laughing non stop? Then, at the end of the commercial, they say laughing can add 8 years to your life like in this AIG commercial:

I found an excellent article on how to lower my cholesterol the natural way. The author suggests:
a. Niacin (B3 supplements) - can cause facial flushing - timed release may help this symptom.
b. Artichoke Leaf - my slow your body's natural cholesterol production
c. Soluble Fiber - add stables like oatmeal to your diet as it can bind with some fats
d. Plant Sterols and Stanols - the Japanese possibly have lower cholesterol with soy bean diet
e. Policosanol supplements
g. Garlic
i. Pantothine supplements
My assumption is that their would be less plaque with less cholesterol and the less plaque would ease blood pressure.
As always, ask your doctor before you make any changes, especially if you are taking medicines as some medicines cause reactions.

I'd bet good money that a deep tissue massage would also ease the stress, cortisol and high blood pressure in your life. Give yourself the gift of massage therapy.
Live long and prosper.

Friday, December 7, 2007

NBC Spits on the American Troops- Boycott NBC & GE Products

NBC refuses to run this paid ad by thanking our troops for protecting America. My God, just watch the ad and you'll see that you should stop watching NBC and write a letter to Jeffrey Immelt, GE CEO, parent company of NBC.

I remember when I was a child, I watched Walter Cronkite describe the war in Viet Nam with pictures of explosions on a map behind him representing the battles of the day and wondered if I too would have to go to war when I grew up. I never had to, but now, those that have the freedom to enjoy their life safely on American soil, do nothing but trash the soldiers that defend our country every day.

NBC, who has freedom of the press, abuses that privelege and spits in the eye of military families that have given their children's lives for them to have that freedom. I call for the firing of anyone involved with the rejection of this paid ad at NBC. I call for the boycott of anyone advertising on NBC. I call for the boycott of all GE products. Jeffrey Immelt is going to have a lot of red ink on his watch. How I wish Jack Welsh was still at the helm.

What has happened to America? How did ungrateful people get to the positions of leadership in our country while being of such sorry character.

Please voice your complaints to NBC:

NBC News
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, N.Y. 10112

NBC Contact Page:

Here is the General Electric Contact Information page:

I thank the American troops for facing danger every day. I thank the American troops that have bullets ripping past them while Jack Immelt, Mark Cuban and the NBC executives sit around on their ungrateful butts and do nothing for this country. I thank the mothers and fathers of the troops who have lost their children in battle or now have a permanently injured child from the war. I thank the children who are growing up without parents that have been lost in the war. These people have disgraced our country and do not deserve the freedoms they have.

Boycott anything Mark Cuban produces.

Boycott NBC and MSNBC.

Boycott GE stock and products.

For the Associated Press Wire on this story:

Boycott NBC

American Public Schools Ignore What Others Die for

I went through the public school system all the way up through getting my bachelors degree from the University of Florida and there was one thing that teachers and the administration refused to mention: men died for the right to own your own business. It was never mentioned even once to me as I was processed through the Democratically controlled public school system.

The whole thrust of public education is to create another cog in the wheel at a corporation. In the 15 years of schooling that graduates of a state school have, it is never mentioned that you have the right to own your own business. No, instead they talk about subjecting yourself to a system that leads to a job. One is never encouraged to start a business. Students are encouraged to get good grades so that you can get a good GPA, which in turn will lead to getting in a good college, so you can start interviewing for a good company when you graduate. Then, you'll submit to paying taxes as an employee with your FICA taxes automatically deducted from your check. Viola, that way the Democrats will get what they want, a submissive citizen that fears doing anything out of the box. Democrats love the box of being a good little tax payer. The Democrat's goal is to create a Solviet Union in the United States with them in power. They want to control everything. Starting your own business is terrifying for the teachers unions. To go into business for yourself is a direct assault on the cage they want to imprison us with.

Why is this? The reason is because the liberal Democrats have taken over the public schools. Liberals want you to be told what to do and when to do it. Liberals own the teachers unions. The unions just want more and more money without results, just like the unions are at General Motors. They don't care about results, they just want more and more benefits and money until the whole system collapses.

Most Americans could wake up in a communist country and would never know the difference because they don't exercise their rights that people died for. Liberals create with their policies a system of going home to work, work to home, home to work, work to home in a mindless circle. They rig the school system to brainwash our youth into being part of their "common good" philosophy. They strip the rights of parents so that the goverment is now in charge of everything taught to kids.

Chavez- the Push for Dictatorship

I am so glad I was wrong on Chavez. He lost his push for the "Dictator for Life" quest. I was wrong because I thought he'd do anything and everything to win, including stuffing the ballot box.

My guess is that he thought he was so popular that he wouldn't need to.

On this matter, thank God I was wrong. Democracy has a candle in the political darkness surrounding the Chavez push for the Fidel Castro type of dictatorship. Anyone can see how Fidel Castro's political views have destroyed a country for a lifetime. His legacy is nothing but selfishness and pride leading to subjugation of the beautiful citizens of the island.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Chavez is Jesus Christ in Venezuela

Hugo Chavez will be elected permanent dictator of Venezuela just like Fidel Castro. All the buildings in Venezuela will sport a paint job of 1965 just like the Castro regime. Chavez will steal the election and the street will be upset and then in the end the Communist dictatorship will totally destroy freedom in Venezueala. Chavez will cheat the electorial process. America is well on the way as sheep to the same destiny.

Thank God I was wrong on this one.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Frozen Dinners Are Getting HOT

It was every man for himself when it was dinner time at my house. I lost my mom when I was 11 years old, so everything she did, I tried to do. Cooking and washing dishes was something I became very familar with. I remember frozen dinners being adequate to fill you up, but I don't every remember them to be a gourmet treat, until now...
Am I the only one that walks by the frozen food section like it doesn't exist? I have passed it by for 20 years, but something exciting has been gracing the freezers. Several companies are creating delicious gourmet foods in the frozen foods isle. I feel silly even writing about it, but it's true. Stouffer's makes a great lasagna. But the best thing I've eaten in the frozen food section are the entrees from Kashi. Yes, it's the cerial company that brings you healthy food. I think my favorite is Chicken Florentine. The herbs & spices are exotic and the basics like the bed of rice are right out of a health food book. I absolutely love them. Here's a list of the ingredients of their Black Bean Mango:

Black Bean Mango
Black beans with roasted red onions and green peppers, red peppers and carrots. Served over Kashi® 7 Whole Grains Pilaf and topped with fire-roasted mango sauce. A delicious dish that's Vegan too!
Ingredients: Cooked Kashi® Pilaf (water, whole: oats, long grain brown rice, rye, hard red winter wheat, triticale, buckwheat, barley, sesame seeds), black beans (prepared black beans, water, salt), water, carrots, red bell peppers, roasted red onions, roasted green bell peppers, mangos, canola oil, rice starch, evaporated cane juice, apple juice concentrate (concentrated apple juice, water, ascorbic acid [vitamin C]), jalapeƱo peppers, mango juice concentrate, mango puree, cilantro, ginger puree (ginger, water, salt, citric acid), garlic (garlic, water), salt, lime juice concentrate.
Diabetic Exchange: 4 carbohydrates, 1 medium-fat meat
Kosher Certification: not Kosher
If you like bold flavorful exotic foods that will break the the same ol'-same-ol' department, then you might want to consider grabbing a few of these.
I wish I got a commission for bragging about them, but I don't.
One warning is that all the frozen foods are coming in a microwavable plastic dishes, but I wouldn't trust any of them for being good for you while being nuked in the microwave. My guess is that they might be creating toxins while in the micro. I put them in a ceramic dish or glass bowl while cooking. I even flip them down into the plate so that the presentation isn't quite as nice, but the food is incredibly good.
Every thing I've tried with Boston Market has been good with the exception of their lasagna. It was way too much beef with gristle. It's so bad it sticks in your teeth. Their other dinners have been wonderul.
So, don't you think it's about time you started warming up to frozen dinners?
I'm a part of an incredible discount coupon servie through that has made using coupons worth the trouble. They have tons of restaurant coupon deals that save you boatloads of money. They have 2 for 1 pizzas and the same for fast foods. I hate saving coupons; but, when it's buy one and get one free, I'm all over it! The program costs $19.05 a month to be a member, but I saved that and more and got a check from them for $105 for telling 4 people about it. Dinner time is heating up at my house.